Title: The Executive Training Program
Date: 2012-07-31
Venue: Blue Valley Golf Estate, Midrand
Time: 19h00 – 21h00
Price: R5 700,00 per person per quarter
Most business individuals and entrepreneurs do not have the time during normal work hours to read innovative books or attend seminars. It is to this need in the marketplace that we have developed the Executive Training Program (ETP)! Once a month, on a Tuesday evening from 7-9pm, a motivational and dynamic presentation will be given in order to train you to become more effective and efficient, regardless of the role that you are currently fulfilling. The program will assist you in implementing revolutionary theories, practical steps to utilize in your day-to-day operations and exponential growth principles.
Only 24 seats are available for this first quarter!
To register please email speak@thegecsa.com with either ‘ETP’ in the subject line. Forward the names and number of delegates to receive an invoice.